
Issue Title
Vol 40, No 1 (2018): FEBRUARY A Study of the Efficacy of Various Nutrient Sources on the Growth and Yield of Cabbage Abstract  PDF
Moch. Dawam Maghfoer, Koesriharti Koesriharti, Titiek Islami, N. D. S. Kanwal
Vol 46, No 2 (2024) The Effectiveness of Biochar and Compost-Based Fertilizers in Restoring Soil Fertility and Red Chili Yields Abstract  PDF
Yohanes Parlindungan Situmeang, Made Suarta, I Dewa Nyoman Sudita, Ni Luh Putu Sulis Dewi Damayanti
Vol 46, No 3 (2024) Changes in Acid-Sulfate Soil Characteristics with Biochar from Various Materials and their Effect on IR-Zinc Production Abstract  PDF
Muhammad Helmy Abdillah, Mila Lukmana, Linda Rahmawati, Gusti R. Iskarlia
Vol 44, No 3 (2022) Chemical Properties and Micromorphology of Biochars Resulted from Pyrolysis of Agricultural Waste at Different Temperature Abstract  PDF
Nur Indah Mansyur, Eko Hanudin, Benito Heru Purwanto, Sri Nuryani Hidayah Utami
Vol 42, No 2 (2020) Amelioration of Acid Upland to Increase Soil Productivity and Soybean Yield Abstract  PDF
Neneng Laela Nurida, Achmad Rachman
Vol 41, No 1 (2019) Effect of Biochar on Peat Soil Fertility and NPK Uptake by Corn Abstract  PDF
Eni Maftu'ah, Dedi Nursyamsi
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