Author Guidelines
AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science is a peer reviewed scientific journal and published manuscripts in plant science i.e. agronomy, horticulture, plant breeding, soil sciences, plant protection and other pertinent fields related to plant production. Articles must be the results of recently conducted research (not more than 5 years). They must neither be previously nor simultaneously submitted in any journal nor published elsewhere except in a preliminary form. Review papers should be critical analysis and integration of recent advances in an important area of research which can stimulate further research, provide a new approach or new knowledge. Authors of these papers should have published at least 3 articles on the subject in a referred journal or should be recognized authorities in the field covered by the review.
An acceptable manuscript will meet the following general criteria: it reports a worthwhile contribution to plant science, methodology is well and clearly explained with sufficient details. Results and discussion are supported by sufficient scope data, manuscripts is concise, well written, and understandable. Conclusion summarized the results and showed specific findings.
Manuscript should be uploaded to AGRIVITA open journal system (OJS) at and composed in AGRIVITA standard format. The manuscripts were typed at one sided A4 paper, single column, 1.5 space line, font 10 point Arial and with continuous line numbers. Margins on all four sides are 2 cm.
Title clearly describes the manuscript content, concise, informative and preferably not more than 20 words. The title should avoid abbreviations and formula. The manuscripts should provide a running title, a short form of manuscript title that is not more than 5 words or phrases,
Manuscript has main author and co-authors with full name of both author and co-authors (no abbreviation). The author should indicate the affiliation institute with clear mail address and email.
Since February 2024 edition, we suggest author to add the international author from at least two different countries for increasing the knowledge transfer for global purposes.
The abstract comes after title and author names in the first page of manuscript. Abstract must be integrated and independent which is consisted of introduction and purpose, methods, results, conclusion and suggestion. References and non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided. Abstract contained not more than 200 words.
The keywords should avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts. Do not use words or terms in the title as keywords. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes. Keywords should not more than 5 words or phrases in alphabetical order.
State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background. Avoid a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. Explain how to address the problem and clearly state the aims of the study.
It should be mentioned the period and place of research. All materials and methods that used such chemical for analysis, treatment and experimental design must be stated clearly and briefly. The unit measurement used SI (International Standard Unit) and symbols. Use slash instead of exponent (e.g. kg/ha). Use words when unit of measure is not involved (e.g. grains per panicle). In the case of range of values, indicate the unit at the end of the range (e.g. 10-15 t/ha). Avoid beginning a sentence with a symbol. Use percent symbol (%) with figures only (e.g. 5%), and spell it out (percent) with written numbers.
Results presented should be consistent with the objectives of the study. Discussion should be done for integration purposes, i.e. within the results of the study or with reference to other studies.
Conclusion should include the summary and implications of major findings of the study. Suggestion can be included or be stated under the heading “Suggestion”;
Indicate the source(s) of funds and institutions or individuals who helped in the study.
Articles should contain at least 20 primary research papers, 80% from journal articles and preferably have been published not more than 10 years. Unpublished data and personal communication should not be included as literature citations. “In Press” articles that have been accepted for publication may be cited in references and should indicate the publication date, if available. All references should be written down in reference tool manager i.e. Mendeley using American Psychological Association (APA) style and arranged from A to Z.
Reference to a Journal Publication:
Abdallah, E. H., Musa, Y., Mustafa, M., Sjahril, R., & Riadi, M. (2013). Comparison between hydro- and osmo-priming to determine period needed for priming indicator and its effect on germination percentage of aerobic rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.). AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science, 38(3), 222-230.
Reference to a Book:
Bolda, M. L., Tourte, L., Klonskyk, K. M., & de Moura, R. L. (2005). Sample cost to produce fresh market rasberries. Berkeley, US: University of California Cooperative extension.
Reference to a Chapter in an Edited Book:
Tuong, T. P., & Bouman, B. A. M. (2003). Rice production in water-scarce environments. In W. Kijne, R. Barker, & D. Molden (Eds.), Water productivity in agriculture: Limits and opportunities for improvement (pp. 53–67). Manila, PH: CAB International.
Reference in Proceeding:
Hapsari, L. & Masrum, A. (2011). Diversity and characteristics of banana (Musa acuminata) diploid AA cultivars group collection of Purwodadi botanic garden. In D. Widyatmoko, D. M. Puspitaningtyas, R. Hendrian, Irawati, I. A. Fijridiyanto, J. R. Witono, R. Rosniati, S. R. Ariati, S. Rahayu, & T. Ng Praptosuwiryo (Eds.), Conservation of tropical plants: Current condition and future challenge. Paper presented at Proceedings of Seminar Cibodas Botanic Garden 159th Anniversary, Cibodas (pp. 225-229). Cibodas, ID: Indonesian Institute of Sciences