Nutrient Content in Ylang-Ylang (Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thoms., Annonaceae) Cultivated in Ecuador

Packer Chris, Pacheco Orlando, Abad Adrián, Palacios Christian


Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata Hook.f. & Thoms.) is cultivated in many tropical areas of the world for the multiple applications of the essential oil extracted from its flowers. The aim of this work was to determine the concentrations of macro-nutrientes and micro-nutrients in the different ylang-ylang organs in two treatments, without fertilization and with commercial fertilization, based on a nutritional analysis of the soil of a production farm located in Chongón, Guayas, Ecuador. The concentrations of N, P and Mg were significantly higher in the treatment with fertilization (16.82; 2.96; 3.81 vs. 14.63; 2.39; 3.12 g/kg, respectively). Concerning micronutrients, in the treatment with fertilization, Mn, Cu and Mo concentrations were significantly higher (73.00; 13.50; 1.28 vs. 44.96; 9.08; 0.50 mg/kg), while Cl concentration was significantly lower (1692.58 vs. 3488.25 mg/kg). Significant differences were also found in nutrient concentration as a function of organs. The C. odorata N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S extraction is 30.83; 3.46; 12.87; 25.50; 4.85 and 3.35 kg/ha, respectively. Higher concentrations of N, Ca and K are suggested for this crop. These results contribute to the improvement of the quality of fertilization in the ylang-ylang cultivation.


Annonaceae; Fertilization; Macro-nutrients; Micro-nutrients; Nutrient extraction

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