A Study of the Efficacy of Various Nutrient Sources on the Growth and Yield of Cabbage

Moch. Dawam Maghfoer, Koesriharti Koesriharti, Titiek Islami, N. D. S. Kanwal


Research evaluated various nitrogen sources, and a supplementary foliar fertilizer or biochar on cabbage. It was conducted from July to October 2014 in Poncokusumo, Malang ca. 600 meters above sea level. The experiment used a randomized block design with four replications. The treatments were fertilized with different concentrations of urea, goat manure and selected substances i.e. 100% N urea (controls); 75% N urea + 25% N goat manure; 50% N urea + 50% N goat manure; 75% N urea + 25% N goat manure + foliar fertilizer (6-30-30), 50% N urea + 50% N goat manure + foliar fertilizer (6-30-30); 75% N urea + 25% N manure + biochar; and 50% N urea + 50% N goat manure + biochar. The dose of N fertilizer used was 69 kg ha-1. The results showed that a higher yield was recorded in the application of 75% N urea + 25% N goat manure and 50% N urea + 50% N manure with an addition of foliar fertilizer that was not significant with the application of 75% N urea + 25% N goat manure with the addition of biochar, resulting in a marketable yield of 68.84, 66.5 and 64.75 t ha-1, respectively.


Biochar; Cabbage; Foliar fertilizer; Manure

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DOI: http://doi.org/10.17503/agrivita.v40i1.1721


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