Discriminating Land Characteristics of Yield and Total Sugar Content Classes of Cilembu Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.)

Muhammad Amir Solihin, Santun R. P. Sitorus, Atang Sutandi, Widiatmaka Widiatmaka


Cilembu sweet potato is a unique commodity with high demand market due to its sweet taste. The objectives of this study were to investigate the production performance of Cilembu sweet potatoes in term of production classes and critical limit and to determine discriminating land characteristics classes of yield and total sugar content. This study was conducted in Cilembu sweet potatoes production centers in West Java. Sweet potatoes tuber and soil samples were collected by purposive random sampling during harvest. Cilembu sweet potatoes production classes were defined by decreasing yields criteria in land evaluation. Critical limit production was the lowest yield and total sugar content of raw tuber which harvested in Cilembu village. Discriminating land characteristics were decided by discriminant analysis. Results showed that there was a significant different yield between typical and nontypical areas. Critical limit of yield and total sugar content were 10.5 t ha-1 and 2.32 %, respectively. The discriminating land characteristics of yield classes were soil properties (pH, CEC, P, Ca, Mg, ΔT), and monthly rainfall, whereas for total sugar content classes were effective soil depth, clay, sand and monthly rainfall. These variables are proposed as diagnostic criteria in Cilembu sweet potato land suitability criteria.


Discriminating land characteristic; Land suitability criteria; Sugar content; Sweet potato; Yield

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DOI: http://doi.org/10.17503/agrivita.v40i1.1148


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