Evaluation of Soil Fertility Status Due to the Application of Biosullary on Maize (Zea mays) with Two Planting Periods

Abdul Haris, Annas Boceng, Saida Saida, Abdul Akbar


Maize production in Indonesia faces challenges from climate change, affecting planting seasons and overall yield stability. This study evaluates the impact of biosullary application on maize growth and yield across two planting periods using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). With twenty-one experimental units and treatments replicated three times, the study encompassed 252 plants and 63 sample plants. Findings indicate Treatment P6 consistently produced the tallest plants (199.67 cm), highest leaf numbers (13.33 at planting period 1, 12.00 at planting period 2), and fastest flowering times (39.00 days at planting period 1, 45.00 days at planting period 2). P6 also showed notable cob length (11.67 cm in period 1), while Treatment P5 excelled in period 2 with 13.00 cm. Treatment P5 recorded the highest 100-seed weight (26.33 grams at planting period 1, 22.67 grams at planting period 2). To sustain maize productivity, increasing fertilizer dosage at the planting period 2 is recommended. Biosullary application not only enhances maize growth and yield but also improves soil physical properties, boosts microbial vitality, and stabilizes soil pH. These findings highlight biosullary potential as a sustainable approach to mitigate climate impacts and enhance maize production in Indonesia.


Biosullary; Fertilization; Maize productivity; Soil microbes; Soil physical properties

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DOI: http://doi.org/10.17503/agrivita.v46i2.4530

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