The experiment was done in order to know the influence of Biourine on growth and yield of shallot fertilized with organic and inorganic fertilizers in Batu, East Java, 900 m asl, 24-27 0C, Andosol soil, from May to July 2014. A Factorial Randomized Block Design was used in arranging treatments i.e. applied of Biourine (with and without Biourine) and applied of organic-inorganic fertilizer. The results showed that the application of Biourine and inorganic fertilizer increased growth and yield of shallot var. Philippines. Shallot var. Philliphines applicated with Biourine 1000 L ha-1 and 100 kg N ha-1 (ZA); 50 kg P2O5 ha-1 (SP36) and 70 kg K2O ha-1 (KCl) showed the highest bulb yield (1,932.2 kg m-2) and the lowest showed the treatment of 5 t ha-1 organic fertilizer without Biourine with yield of 1,285.7 kg m-2 or increased 50.3%.
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